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Unhelpful manuals/That rotter Lucas

Subject: Unhelpful manuals/That rotter Lucas
From: Richard Mutt <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 13:29:39 -0400 (ADT)
First, that Lucas B*****d. 
Recently, sitting around bs-ing with aquaintances, the revelation arrived 
that three of the seven of us owned 'B s.  (Not a car club, a photography 
class.  The instructor had a TD.)  Discussing the aforementioned Mr. 
Lucas, we realized that two of us had the same problem -- turn signals 
that didn't flash.  The other sufferer said that the problem was 
installing heavy duty american bulbs and standard Lucas bulbs on the same 
side of the car.  Sure enough, replacing the left rear (Lucas) bulb with 
a GE heavy duty bulb made it all work right.  Perverse but true, thought I'd 
pass it along (I hadn't heard this before, sorry if it's old news)

Anyway, for the worst manual entry:
The manual for a ferrari 250 states that replacing the timing chain is a 
five-step process. Step one is the simple (?) instruction:
"Invert motor on bench."


Matt  (

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