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T'bred and Classic Cars this month

Subject: T'bred and Classic Cars this month
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 9:35:56 -0700 (MST)
The current Thorougbred and Classic Cars (UK publication) has an
article tracing the E-type throughout its run.  What's really fun
about it is the car they test as an early example is the famous
848CRY, the red Series I E convertible that was crushed in the
film _The Italian Job_, and later restored.  I'm rather a fan
of that car.

In another good article on the 8-litre Bentley, there's what must
surely become a classic quote:  "I've only ever driven one thing
that was more like a locomotive, and that was a locomotive."

****** Worst Bodge Story ******

As a starving student in the early 80's I was limping along with a
D*ts*n station wagon...  One day someone in an ancient Oldsmobile
Toronado decides to make a right turn from the left lane, and I rear-
end it.  Pushed in the front end such that the radiator is being 
chewed alive by the fan.

Having no money for repairs, (and the presumably uninsured culprit
having fled the scene) I decide to try to pull out the front end.

I insert a scissors jack into a likely place and start cranking out
until the fan clears.  Then start uncranking.  Back comes the front
end.  Crank out even harder, whack the metal with a hammer trying
to straighten it.  No go.  Finally I just left the jack in place.
Drove the car for almost two more years with a scissors jack wedged
in there.

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