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Subject: bodges.
From: blaced@CHMA.CIBA.COM (D. Lacey)
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 13:41:44 +0200
On bodges for that car you need to sell:

Two for the gearbox: If noise is a major problem, put wood shavings in 
with the oil, dunno what exactly happens but certainly the box goes quiet for 
100 miles or so. More Hi-Tech is to shove a couple of pairs of nylon stockings
into the gearbox, these get wrapped around everything and in the process and
get rid of any annoying end float problems your lay- or mainshaft may have
had. I would suggest if you wish to use either of these techniques, you place
a paper bag over your head then dealing with prospective purchasers to 
lower the chance of anyone identifying you later.



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