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Straight - cut boxes for spridgets

Subject: Straight - cut boxes for spridgets
From: Mike Gigante <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 13:13:30 +1000
According to the techies in our club, the factory straight-cut boxes
are good up to about 100 HP - a very good road motor and a reasonable
race motor. The box to have here in Melbourne is a John Needham
straight-cut.  John has a company that specialises in old gearboxes.
For the past 15 years or so, he has supplied every race spridget that
I am aware of with one of his straight-cuts. The techies say that you
can handle at least 120 HP with one of his boxes.

John is slow, sometimes cranky but does excellent work. He had the
components made up as specials, which is why they are stronger than the
factory straight-cuts. You give him a standard box and he'll give you
one of his straight-cuts for A$1100.

I have one of his boxes and am very happy.

I don't know what his attitude is to out-of-town jobs, but I'll check
and get back to the list.

BTW, he also recos standard boxes as well. I think his changeover
price for standard boxes is A$690 or A$890 depending on model.


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