As Will Zehring mentioned in an earlier message John does answer phone in
technical questions. Specifically, between the hours of 1 and 2 EST Monday
through Thursday (He's usually off on Fridays) The new phone number is
616-682-0800. He can also be reached by Fax at 616-682-0801.
John is always willing to help you with any technical problem with your MG
(any MG) if he can: and he usually can.
John can also be reached by e-mail at But I'm not sure
he's figured out yet how to answer mail outside of Prodigy yet. (But we're
trying to make him into a computer nerd as well as an MG nerd :-) He would
probably come around quicker if Lucas make computer components = :-(
See you on the road !
Jerome Rosenberger,
Secretary, North American MGB Register (