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Re: Size of a "B"

Subject: Re: Size of a "B"
From: (Jennifer Joy)
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 9:45:27 CDT
The message subject made me thing of something, namely the 
Monthy Python song about "Eric the 'alf a bee"

Or for some of y'all...."Eric the half a B",
a story about a sad little MGB, wrecked, rusted, or 
in some way broken, still not whole by any means.

Eric the half a bee...

Can a B be said to B an entire B
if half the B is not a B due to some ancient injury?

(Maybe someone can come up with the whole text :-)  I have various
pieces of it floating in my head and they at least semi-apply).

Granted, I'd like to see "a B half asleep upon my knee."

> I am in the process of buying a 1980 MG B from a friend of mine who is a
> poster to this list as well. This is my "fun" car to putter with restore and
> generally have a good time with. I'm aware of all the foibles of LBCs and
> have warned my SO of down time. It's OK because she likes the car too! I
> have to store it for outside as I have no garage and I want to buy a cover
> for it. Does anyone know the dimensions for the 1980 so I can get the proper
> temporary cover? I'm going to order a custom cover before winter, but for
> now I want to get a tarp to cover it to keep a nosy neighbor from
> complaining that it doesn't have a tag until I can get one. Once it's got a
> tag she cannot complain any longer. Thanks folks.

Go buy a cheesy $30 or less cover from Target or so, if you want.  Probably
the smallest size (the cheesy ones come in S, M, L).  A medium (fits all
v*lv*s, HA!) practially wraps my car around twice.  In tarps, the bigger
the better, but be reminded that ill-fitting covers rub the heck out
of the paint, catch the wind better, and generally are a flop.  (Ok, 
better than nothing, I use a cheesy cover when I have to put my car
out of the garage, and one for my parts car).

> Molecular Disease Branch           Ph: (301) 496-6488
> National Institutes of Health

Oh boy!  I bet you can come up with some good diseases for us.
Hmm, molecular level ones ... the possibilities are endless.

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561

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