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Re: Gaskets - Blue Hylomar

Subject: Re: Gaskets - Blue Hylomar
From: Duncan Bryan <bryan@Roborough.gpsemi.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 08:38:48 +0100

        I'm told that Rolls Royce developed blue hylomar and use it in
place of gaskets on some joints. This may be true, certainly their
machining is good enough.  I use it on my wifes Mini and on my
Citroen CX for everything but exhaust and head gasket joints, oh and
hydraulic joints obviously.

        I've found the trick is to run a small bead on the surfaces
to be joined, smooth it towards the outside of the joint ( in case any
bits ooze out and flake off ( blocking up pumps and stuff ).  This stuff
has been invaluable on my CX, where a few gaskets are ridiculously 
expensive and hard to get and gasket paper has proved too horrible to
cut to the right shape.  Some people might be horrified at the thought
of NO GASKET, but I've done over 35K miles this year so far with no
ill effects.

        Happy gasket bodging!

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