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Re: British Cars Digest #1331 Thu Aug 18 01:15:01 MDT 1994

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #1331 Thu Aug 18 01:15:01 MDT 1994
From: (Mike Ladwig)
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 09:42:40 -0500
>> (Robb Pryor) writes:
>In article <>, you write:
>|> I am restoring an A-H 3000 (basket case, literally). The center portion
>|> |> of A-H bodies is aluminum but the fenders are steel. There was lots
>|> of
>|> dissimilar metal corrosion on my parts. I notice that after market parts
>|> |> places sell a gasket that goes between the aluminum shroud and the
>|> fenders. However, I don't see this gasket in original A-H documentation.
>|> |> Does anyone know if this gasket is original equipment?
>I have never seen reference to such a gasket.  No, I don't think it is,
>it might be a good idea.  I've taken a part several Big Healeys and I've
>always found corrosion along those seams.

Mine was like this when I restored it.  I talked with some professional
restorers, and they recommended against these gaskets, which are not
original factory equipment.  What I decided to do was to coat both sides of
the fender and shroud flanges heavily with a hard latex goo.  I also used
rubber washers between the flanges where the bolts go.

This is far more protection than the factory put on them, and most of them
went 25 years that way before electrolytic corrosion was a problem.


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  • Re: British Cars Digest #1331 Thu Aug 18 01:15:01 MDT 1994, Mike Ladwig <=