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Two Heralds and an MG 1100 4-door

Subject: Two Heralds and an MG 1100 4-door
From: "Dan Parslow, x2556" <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 8:50:19 -0700 (MST)
Came across a place that's parting two Herald convertibles
and an MG 1100.  The MG is almost entirely complete externally,
and looks restorable.  Didn't look in the engine bay.

The Heralds are rotting big-time, but all the sheet metal and
most of the exterior trim looks okay.  I've looted them of the 
indicator lenses and a few other trivia.

E-mail me for more info.  I don't have the number with me, and
anyway these folks don't really know anything about what they

Dan Parslow

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