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cure for leaky seams?

To: BritCars List <>
Subject: cure for leaky seams?
From: Stevens <>
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 09:31:26 -0600 (MDT)
Perhaps it's because I avoid using it as much as possible, but the soft 
top for my MGB has developed an annoying leak at one of the stitched 
seams. On the plus side, only the battery box shelf, and not the 
vehicle's occupants, get wet.

The top is of the early, take-it-all-off-and-put-it-in-the-boot, type. 
Are there any suggested remedies; ointments, sealants that can cure this 

Thanks in advance.

-- Henry Stevens

 /==============\          Henry Stevens 
 |      |       |
[|______|_______|]    Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
 |(@) [####] (@)|  Have '64 MGB, want LWB Land Rover (need $$)
 | o  [####]  o |      
 ======%%%%======  "Without a real car, I'm only
 {*}={&&}====={*}   half a man." -Dean Jones
 {*}          {*}                 "The Love Bug"

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