@ From: Marcus Tooze <tooze@vinny.cecer.army.mil>
@ Subject: electrical heebie-jeebies
@ Hi guys,
@ The '72 Midget was finally ready to crank over last night...however, the
@ fuel pump wasn't working. I took it out and tested it across the battery,
@ and nothing. I happened to have a suitable replacement that worked, so I
@ popped it in and hooked her up. Now the weirdness set in.
@ With the ignition ON (red ign. light on) there was no current at the fuel pump
I don't know if it is at all relevant to your car, but the SD1 has its
fuel pump wired via an oil pressure sensor, with a bypass when cranking,
so it will only work if you are trying to start the thing or if there
is enough oil pressure. Apparently the sensor can go wrong (or wires
can come off etc), which makes the fuel pump go dead.
Tim Renouf tpr@mfltd.co.uk UK: (0635) 565375 US: 415-856-4161 x5375
Micro Focus Ltd, 26, West St, Newbury, Berks RG13 1JT. IBMMAIL(GBHFFCBF)