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Re: MGB SU Carbs & Heat Shield

Subject: Re: MGB SU Carbs & Heat Shield
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 21:58:05 EDT
 Bill Lattimer <>  writes:
>> 2. Anyone running without a heat sheild?  Seems like it doesn't offer  
>>much protection, and I'd much rather put together a nice aluminum  
>>throttle cable/spring bracket that would let me check the header bolts  
>>without removing the carbs. 

The heat shield is supposed to have a patch of asbestos at either
end to insulate the float bowls from the exhaust header.  At least
that's what is on the used one which I have.  As far as access to
the manifold/header bolts is concerned, there are a couple of 
large holes between the carbs which give access to the 
middle manifold studs if you use a swivel on your socket wrench.
The others can be reached from above or below with appropriate
contortions and the proper combo wrench.  

I am using a heat shield on my MGB (1980 - converted to HS4s)
and have driven every day, all summer with no vapor locking 

Peter Schauss

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