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Re: car theft and car security (just a suggestion! :-) )

To: wzehring@cmb.biosci.WAYNE.EDU (Will Zehring)
Subject: Re: car theft and car security (just a suggestion! :-) )
From: Steve DuChene <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 20:49:18 -0400 (EDT)
> Will Zehring wrote... (some stuff deleted)
> system in a late model XJ6.  I am interested in methods that can be applied 
> to traditional carbs-n-distributor types of cars that are simple and easy to 
> re-set.  Thoughts run along lines such as battery cut off switches, removal 
> of the rotor from a distriubtor, fuel line valves, etc.  Any bad experiences 
> with these sorts of methods?  Any other clever and hard to over-ride methods 
> worth considering?  
        I have always found that the cars I have with the engine removed very 
        rarely get stolen! Of course there always is that peskey car thief 
        with the tow truck so I guess even that method is not full proof :-)
        Hmmm, maybe the rear suspension too huh? (sorry I just couldn't 

| Steven A. DuChene  or      
| Youngstown State University  | Computer Science / Math / Mech. Eng.
|They all laughed at Albert Einstein. They all laughed at Columbus. 
|Unfortunately, they also all laughed at Bozo the Clown. 

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