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Re: car theft and car security

To: uunet!! (Will Zehring),
Subject: Re: car theft and car security
From: capitol! (John Gray)
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 10:08:48 EDT
I have no direct experience but a company called Quorum from Canada offer a 
neat system, if tricky to fit. Simplistically it is a removeable key (the 
key contains circuitry) various electrical components are wired through the 
key. The key connects 1 to 6, 2 to 3 etc. and there are many variations on 
the key. The wires coming into the key are all black so it's not obvious how 
to wire past it. Obviously if you try to insert any metal in place of the 
key you are going to blow the fuses etc. Not impossible to defeat for a 
professional (who would probably tow/trailer it) but very time consuming for 
the "regular" thief. Anyone actually using this ?


At 08:11 AM 8/10/94 EDT, Will Zehring wrote:
>Fellow fiends and jag-o-philes:
>With the report of a car theft on the jag-lovers list yesterday, 
>I would be very much interested in hearing list member's advice and methods 
>regarding car security.  Not just alarm systems, either.  Not all 
>suggestions are widely applicable, such as to disable the fuel injection 
>system in a late model XJ6.  I am interested in methods that can be applied 
>to traditional carbs-n-distributor types of cars that are simple and easy to 
>re-set.  Thoughts run along lines such as battery cut off switches, removal 
>of the rotor from a distriubtor, fuel line valves, etc.  Any bad experiences 
>with these sorts of methods?  Any other clever and hard to over-ride methods 
>worth considering?  
>Will Zehring

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