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TR6 head and PI system

Subject: TR6 head and PI system
From: (paul gilders rs)
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 10:41:09 BST
Hi folks,

        Just thought I'd update people following my TR6 cylinder head
queries last week. I went out to a TSSC (Triumph Sports Six Club)
event on Sunday and saw a 6 cylinder Triumph head at the autojumble.
The head wasn't of known origin, which made me initially sceptical,
but for a asking price of 5 pounds, I couldn't let it go by.
Subsequent research appears to suggest that all the 6 cylinder heads
are extremely similar, I think only varying in valve sizes and width
of head. This head appears to have large valves and is of visibly
higher compression than the one currently on my TR6. It will need a
complete overhaul, but I think it will be ideal for
replacing/upgrading my current TR6 head. If anybody knows how to
identify these cylinder heads or the differences between Vitesse,
2000/2500, TR5/6, and GT6 versions, maybe they could let me know.

        Anyway, having almost given up on the idea of installing a PI
unit on my TR6 (mainly because of the difficulty and expense in
obtaining all the parts), I stumbled across an almost complete setup
this weekend and decided that I should obtain it whilst I had the
opportunity. I think the unit is actually of a Triumph 2500PI car,
since the inlet manifolds are painted red (is this a works car
installation?). Does anybody know if these units were different from
those of the TR6? Anyway, I now have manifolds and linkages, metering
unit, distributer, injectors, fuel pump, fuel filter and relief valve.
>From current knowledge, I think the main things I'm  going to need to
make it a workable unit is a metering unit drive shaft (I think these
are quite rare) and all the return pipework and high pressure lines.
I also think I might have to obtain a PI fuel tank for the fuel return

        Anyway, I suppose my main question is: were the Triumph 2500PI
units different in spec from those of the TR5/6 and if so in what way?
I have noticed that the inlet manifolds are slightly different from
the ones I have seen before, but this might be if it really was a
"works" unit. Anyway, for those of you who are worried that I might
decide to instally this unit tomorrow, fear not. I realise that this
installation is not a trivial matter, and I don't expect to
contemplate any installation until I've undertaken all the necessary
checks on the components and have upgraded the rest of the engine to
suit - I think we are talking about at least a year from now....

        Anyway, any advice would be gratefully received.



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