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Trip West

To: b-c
Subject: Trip West
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 09:22:07 -0500
We'll be travelling westward on vacation next week, and would like to meet up 
with as many SOLers as possible along the way.

This is where we'll be staying:

Aug. 7 - Amarillo, TX (Big Texan Steak Ranch, here we come!)

Aug. 8-9 - Flagstaff/Grand Canyon area

Aug. 10-13 - Santa Ana/Anaheim, CA (Mickey Mouse, here we come!)

Aug. 14 - SF Bay area - (Can I see Roland's snake?)

Aug. 15-16 - Crescent City/Redwoods

Aug. 17 - Salt Lake City (hi, Mark and Steve!)

Aug. 18-19 Denver, CO (Hi, Lawrence!)

Let me know and we'll try to arrange a get-together. Time may be a problem in 
some locations, however.

Lawrence Buja: How about breakfast at Karen's Country Kitchen in Louisville on 
Friday, Aug. 19 or Saturday, Aug. 20? We're going to visit the Casa Bonita 
Friday evening, too. Interested? Obviously, we aren't going for the food...


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