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Re- TR3 Suspension Part IIa

To: "Scions of Lucas" <>
Subject: Re- TR3 Suspension Part IIa
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 2 Aug 1994 09:29:09 U
   Re: TR3 Suspension Part IIa
Chuck Centore writes:

> Now comes the problem that I bet alot of you who really love to work 
> on British cars have encountered. The front bolt is a suprisingly 
simple device but the way they made it go through the frame and recess 
> into the frame sleeve is beyond tomorrow. The manual suggests that 
> you screw a 5/16 x 24 bolt onto the head of this bolt and to withdraw 
> the bolt by means of a lever using the frame as a bearing surface. I 
> bent the frame!  It won't come out and thats when I lost it.
> I heated it with a tourch, I hammered it with a sledge hammer, I 
> wonder if this is just one of those little things that make us all a 
> little crazy.

To which Bob Gibbons adds: 
> You're not going to want to hear this, but I had what sounds like 
> an identical problem with the rear leaf springs on my '64 MGB. 
> I finally had to get a power sabersaw and just cut both inside and
> outside ends off. It took many hours with several carbide blades, 
> but I could not find any other way. After removal, it was apparent 
> the bolt was solidly rusted into the shackle, I don't think it ever 
> would have come out any other way.
To which I add:  
Uh-huh.  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.  Except I couldn't 
fit a power sabersaw in to cut the front bolt off the rear spring on 
a Big Healey.  I had to just hold a hacksaw blade in my hand and saw 
until my arm fell off, then use the other arm.  I beat on it, used 
heat on it, didn't have any liquid nitrogen, made a special drift out 
of some steel rod, nothing worked except sawing it on either side of 
the spring, just like Bob said.  

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