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prices for original shoulder belts?

Subject: prices for original shoulder belts?
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <zimerman@MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 94 08:08:54 EDT
Hi all-
   When I acquired Amanda, she had a set of Triumph-logoed lap belts installed.
Since I am somewhat larger than the average design human for this car, and
because I'm used to having them, I have been searching for a set of shoulder
belts instead.  A helpful NET member has some he would be willing to sell me,
and is checking on pricing...I just waondered what is the correct ballpark for
these, as I have *absolutely no idea.*  He says they are complete with good
material, but the retractor mechanisms work on good days only.  Since my lap
belts don't retract either, it's still an improvement! :-)
   Next question-does anyone have one or two of the TR6 steel road rims they'd
be willing to part with?  I need one to get my spare back in the trunk, and one
of my other ones has a nasty cosmetic wobble/bend that I'm unsure is fixable.
I have this aversion to shelling out ~$250 for them from TRF, although I'm sure
they're good product.  Thanks!

-JBZimmerman (lost in his new toy-the Bentley Manual)
"You know, I think Theodore Geisel read British Car Manuals for his inspiration-
'Using five strokes only, lubricate the lower zerk fitting on the right side 
trunnion with hypoy.'"

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