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RE: 67 MGB Jammed Starter

To: britcars@northbeach.Corp.Sun.COM
Subject: RE: 67 MGB Jammed Starter
From: Volney.Spalding@Corp.Sun.COM (Volney Spalding)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 11:12:46 +0800
>I know the TR-3 has some of the
>shaft of the starter motor sticking out the back so in
>extreme cases you can put a wrencd on the starter and turn
>it backwards to free it. I don't thing the 'B has this
>feature howerver. 

My 66B did this a lot.  When I couldn't unstick it by rocking
(about every 3rd time.  It stuck a lot and since I was a 1st year
college student, almost by definition there was no way I was going
to take the time to fix it) I ended up buying a 1 1/4 inch end wrench
that fit on the back of the starter shaft nicely.

Of course it goes without saying that this would never happen unless I was
well dressed and for some reason or other it was *inconvenient* to crawl
under the car just then.

Perhaps the automotive serendipidous highlight of my life (other than actually
having a spare throttle cable in my 71 Bug when the original broke when I was
450 miles from home) was when I was walking through a parking lot and noticed
a woman with a 67B and looking very distraught.  I asked what was wrong and
she said it "wouldn't start".  In fact the starter was jammed and to the 
of several stander's by I unstuck it with the 2nd gear rocking method, smiled
sheepishly and wished her a nice day.  

Few moments in life are as perfect as that, and suddenly all the times I had
to crawl under my own car didn't seem as annoying as before...


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