Hi gang,
Received several good susgestions on improving the ride on the 3 and decided
to undertake replacing the only item that appears to be original. "The rear
leaf springs"
I carefully read the manual and then proceeded to unbolt the old springs. The
bolts to the lever shocks were removed without any real problems, as were the
rear links amd bracket bolts holding the spring to the rear axile.
Now comes the problem that I bet alot of you who really love to work on
British cars have encountered. The front bolt is a suprisingly simple device
but the way they made it go through the frame and recess into the frame
sleeve is beyond tomorrow. The manual suggests that you screw a 5/16 x 24
bolt onto the head of this bolt and to withdraw the bolt by means of a lever
using the frame as a bearing surface. I bent the frame! It wont come out and
thats when I lost it.
I heated it with a tourch, I hammered it with a sledge hammer, I wonder if
this is just one of those little things that make us all a little crazy.
Anybody got any suggestions?
Chuck Centore