Hey look folks- in amoungst the everyday postings about jammed ring gears:
> Jerome Rosenberger
> Secretary, North American MGB Register
Welcome to Jerome- I think he's the first official from a nationwide (or
bigger) MG club to join the British-Cars list. While there are owners of a
huge variety of British cars on the list, and we do a fairly decent job of
avoiding some of the ancient marque rivalry's, there's still been a lopsided
representation of the MG side of things.
You see, amoung long time members of this list are many of the major players
of the Vintage Triumph Register (Ex president, auto-x & rally directors,
tech editors, a couple consultants & directors etc, and the current pres and
Magazine editor are on line as well.) Thus, it's always easy to keep up with
goings on, national meets, and hard core Triumph info. Heck, even with all
the MG's I own, *I'm* a consultant for the VTR! (Peerless & Warwick). Even
our host machine is called Triumph. :-) :-) :-)
MG's have somehow been a little under-represented, altho several of us have
done our best to hold up our side of things. :-) I still haven't figured out
why more TR's show up here than MG's, given the numbers of cars actually out
there. I look forward to Jerome's input, and trust he will be appropriatly
overwhelmed by the vast amount of good information and friendship here.
Hey- is it about time for someone to up the SOL Survey for '94? (More to the
point, is there still anyone willing to do the work?)
Roger -Enough MG's to be my own club- Garnett
/ _ \ Roger Garnett (Roger_Garnett@cornell.edu)
/ /|| \ \ Agricultural Economics |
| |\/ || _ | 3 Warren Hall | "The South Lansing Centre
| | || | | Cornell University | For Wayward Sports Cars"
\ ||__/ / Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
\________/ (607) 255-2522 | Safety Fast!