An interesting magazine to purchase this month will be the UK magazine
called CAR. It compares the resurrected Lotus Elan with the TVR Griffith
which somehow costs nearly the same! The Lotus price has risen from about
20K pounds to 25K!
They compare the cars whilst driving around Southwold (and possibly
Aldeburgh) in Suffolk - infact I am sure I recognise the road views :-)
A little further on in the mag there is an article commemorating (sp?) the
birth of the Austin Allegro (21 years ago) - whose main claim to fame was
the rectangular steering wheel.
The next article is based on an interview with the designer of the Allegro,
our old friend Harris Mann (he also designed the TR7/8). As chance would
have it, I had a phone call from the man(n) that evening - before I read
the article - where I mentioned he should get down some of the details of
BL life in the 1970's. Spooky or what! For your information he had a
Chinese takeaway last night :-)