A few NET folks are planning on invading a drive-in theatre somewhere in the
MA/NH border area tonite. The general plan is to meet at Johnson's Drive In
restaurant on Rt 119 in Groton, MA at around 6:45 or so, grab a bite and
then decide which of two nearby drive-in theatres to go to. Another NETer has
been planning interesting touring routes to the theatres. I have no idea
what movies are playing, although the Flintstones and Wolf were mentioned.
This is more or less a spur of the moment event, but if you want to get your
lbc out for a drive-in, tonite's the night.
The forecast, unfortunately is rain, which will make open-top movie viewing
somewhat difficult. However, check the Weather channel later in the day. If
there is no threat of rain in the Fitchburg, MA to Nashua, NH area, we'll
try to make a go of it. Otherwise, we will reschedule to next week.
So, any New England area SOLers that want to check this out are welcome.
To get there:
Get on Rt 119 anywhere in MA and head west to Groton. Johnson's is on the
left just after you get into Groton (maybe a mile or two in.) You can
get off of I 495 and head to Groton on 119. If you live in Townshend or
Ashby, head east on 119, Johnson's will be on the right after Groton center.
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