The climate control on my 86XJ6 either blows warmed air, when the temp
outside is lower than the temp setting on the dash, or cooled air, when
the temp outside is higher than the dash setting AND when the a/c
amplifier works. But, most of the time the air temps in the SFO Bay area
are such that no heat nor air conditioning are needed. Of course there
is no fresh air or vent control in such a nice car (unconditioned air in
a Jaguar? Right!).
I thought that I would easily find two wires that control the mag clutch
of the a/c, and run them to a switch under the dash, and keep the a/c
compressor off when running the fan. Too many wires, too little
documentation. Has anyone "out there" done this? When I speak of this
to other XJ6 owners they look at me as though I'm daft. Is this a
workable idea?
Also, I'm still trying to find the cause of the Jag's rough idle. I
suspect a vacuum leak, since during my latest annual I replaced most of
the ignition electrics. However it runs well and certainly eats up miles
on high speed freeway flights to distant cities and then averages about
17.7mpg. Any hints? I enjoyed tinkering with the SUs on my MGB, but
this Jag fuel injection still has me scratching my head.
Best wishes,