I am the Newsletter editor for the Arizona MG Club in Phoenix, AZ. I would
like to use this digest to trade articles for monthly newsletters with anyone
that would like to contribute. My club likes the Tech-Tip type of article
altho a good Lucas joke or auto cartoon woul be nice. ie. Why do the
British drink warm beer? - The use Lucas refrigerators. I have already
noticed some good material in the week or so I have been on the net.- The
letter on Whitworth tools was most usefull. My british car field is in the
spridget line. I have owned 6 in the past 30 years. I currently have a 65
Sprite and a 66 Midget and a 64 parts car I picked up this last week. If you
have any questions in that line, send them to me.
It's been to hot to do much outside here this last week with the 117 degree
and all, so this will give me time to catch up on the reem of e-mall I have
aquired this week.
by Roy and Bob Wiley
Reprinted from MGB Driver
via the British Mortorcar Club of Southern New Mexico
via The Arizona MG Club
This article was first written in regard to antique tractors by Roger Welch
who lives out in Nebraska. However the similarity between collecting tractors
and MGs was too good to miss so we borrowed his rules and changed a few words!
RULE l-Collect only one make and model of MG, nothing but early roadsters or
rubber burnpered GTs for exarnple.When all your MGs are the sarne color and
shape, it's harder if not impossible for anyone to figure out how many MGs you
actually have.
RULE 2-Never line up your MGs, ever! Nothing distresses a difficult spouse
more than seeing twelve old MGs lined up, looking for all the world like a
pile of burning hundred dollar bills. Scatter the MGs around, a couple behind
the garage, one or two in the garage, another beside the garage, maybe a
couple at a friends house, so that it is not possible for anyone (if you know
who I mean) to see more than two or three from any one perspective. Your hobby
will be less 'irritating' that way.
RULE 3-For pretty much the same reason, don't number your MGs, give them
names. You'd be surprised how much less trouble you will have if you talk
about "Scarlet B" rather than GHN5-12345.
RULE 4-Early in your collecting, buy an MG you don't want. Then sell it as
quickly as you can. Don't worry about making any money on the transaction, the
main thing is to buy an MG and get rid of it. Then you can say, "Yes my sweet,
I do have six MGs in the garage while our car is out in the weather. That
doesn't mean I will always have six MGs. Remember the one I got rid of ? I'm
thinking of selling another one any day now, so we can put our car in the
garage. If you have a friend who collects MGs make arrangements for him to
drop off an MG now and again. That way you can say, if anyone asks, that you
bought it. Then have him haul it off again and say you sold it. With this
system you establish your reputation for moderation.
RULE 5-Pay for your MGs with cashier's checks,or postal money orders, or cash
which leaves far less evidence than checks drawn on the family account. Once
you have gotten possession of another MG and paid for it, eat the stubs.
carbon copes or receipts immediately. Such things have a way of becoming an
embarrassment later, take it from me!
RULE 6-Now and then buy a wreck for 'parts' even if you don't need the parts.
In fact you might consider hauling a wreck or two on the same trailer or
truck, whenever you haul home a good MG. This is called 'liability averaging'.
If your significant other says something about having enough money for yet
another MG, but not enough for a new refrigerator, point indignantly to the
MGs on the trailer-the beautifill one, solid and in running condition for
which you paid $1,500.00 and the rusted hulks you got for $50.00 each. Then
huff, "Snookums, I got those for little more than $500.00 each and the one in
the back is easily worth $2,000.00. That s a tidy profit of $400.00." See7
Doesn't that make you sound like an investment wizard?
RULE 7-When things get critical. consider dragging home an MG without
transmission or rear wheels. If there's a complaint you say, "MG? What MG?
That's not an MG! That's only a front end, not even close to an MG. Then a
couple of weeks later bring home a rear end minus the radiator, engine and
front wheels. "MG? What MG? That s no MG, that's only a rear end, not even
close to an MG!" However, don t try this more than once every couple of years!
RULE 8-Have a dealer or friend call you now and then when you're not at home,
and tell your spouse, "Bob told me to keep an eve on the MG going at the
auction on Saturdavy but it sold for $5,000.00, and I know there s no way a
financially cautious and responsible guy like Bob would pay that much, so I
didn't even make a bid on it for him. Not only will this make you look real
good. but the next time you buy an MG say something like, "Luvi-bear, this
beauty only cost me S1,000.00, which means we are $4.000.00 ahead of where we
d have been.,if I'd have gotten the one before. If I keep saving money like
this, we'll be able to afford to go on that Caribbean cruise next winter." If
you say it fast enough, it might just work!
RULE 9-If your mate insults vour work calling it "Rustoration", laugh a
lighthed laugh, making it clear that MGs are not to you what shoes were to
Imelda Marcos.
RULE l0-If your situation worsens to the point where vour mate asks, "Who do
you love more, me or your MGs?" Whatever you do, don't ask for time to think
it over!
I will sent anyone our club newsletter for any club newsletter sent to me.
In the Bond of the Marque,
Jim Crosson
638 N. Valencia Pl.
Chandler, AZ 85226