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Ball Joint Removal From Dave Chu (some SOL UK here!)

Subject: Ball Joint Removal From Dave Chu (some SOL UK here!)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 09:40:36 BST
Hammers seem to work OK but remember to thread the lock nut back onto the 
thread of the swivel pin until the thread has nearly come through the top of 
the nut. Then WHAP (SOL) it one with a hammer (soft headed one ideally) OR 
thwack (UK/US SOL?) the suspension arm to jog the taper out.

If you don't but the nut back on you could muller (SE UK SOL) the end of the 
threads on the swivel pin.

The nut will stop the suspension arm dropping all the way down and will keep 
the hub in place! You may need to jack the pin back into the taper to get the 
nut off but it will be asy to release this time!
**Best thing has always been to use either a lever or wedge type puller, 
swinging hammers around can contact brake pipes vestigeal tails and other 
appendages when you start believing there is some "whirling dervish" in your 

**Wedge pullers are cheap and a lot safer than "banging it out" 
still let you vent some frustration with the "Wigan Screwdriver" 
(AKA Hammer derog NW UK Slang)

*John C Bullas Press/PR of MINI/SMOC UK                *
*Mini InterNet International/Southern Mini Owners Club *
*       Internet                     *
*                * 
*                Fax   +44 344 770356                  *
*Mail  PO BOX 1959 Sevenoaks Kent TN14 6GT UK          *

Yes girlfriend comes from Wigan (George Orwell fame etc..)

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  • Ball Joint Removal From Dave Chu (some SOL UK here!), Mr.J.C.Bullas <=