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My Internet address didn't change after all and won't soon

Subject: My Internet address didn't change after all and won't soon
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 11:20:14 pst
Just before June 1st I happily announced to the world that my internet address 
would be radically shortened from:


Well, the MIS guys having been working valiantly to make it happen and it 
hasn't.  I feel for them.  Unfortunately, all that mail that you all have tried 
to send me bounced back.  I haven't gotten a single Digest since I asked 
everyone to change my address, and I haven't heard a single word from any of 
you.  It's probably a good thing since I've had a thick manual draft to 
proofread for the last couple of weeks and the lack of distraction was OK.  
While I miss your thoughts appearing on my computer screen every morning, I 
better than to ask for it all to be resent to me at once.  ;^)

Please send British Cars Digests and any other email to me at:


Forget that shorter Internet address for a while.  When the shorter email 
addresses are up and running, then and only then will I let you know that my 
address has changed.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Safety Fast!

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  • My Internet address didn't change after all and won't soon, Scott_Kucera_at_SYMOR-SUPPORT-2 <=