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'67 MGB Parts Car for sale

Subject: '67 MGB Parts Car for sale
From: dh0a@Lehigh.EDU (Donald L. Hardy)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 09:16:55 EDT
If you were interested in the recently advertised '67 MGB, I have the
complementary parts car!  It is complete, not running.  Body not good
(rust).  Been sitting in a barn for years.  Good engine and transmission,
wire wheels, all this for $600. Between the two you could have a great car!
This is in Bethlehem, in Eastern Pennsylvania.

E-mail:  voice: home: 610.694.0634  work: 610.758.5110

Donald Hardy

Donald L. Hardy     dh0a@Lehigh.EDU  +++++  "I believe you!" said Mrs.
Project Manager        610.758.5110   + +    Dollop with a touch of scorn
Facilities Planning and Renovations    +     at Mr. Crabb's apparent dimness.

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