A couple of list folks have asked me about this, so ....
I'm out of the hospital (Stanford, this time) and doing fine. I'm
recuperating at a friend's house in Carmel and trying to figure out how
I can afford to live here all the time instead of going back to
If you came in late, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a couple of
months ago, and this is the second surgery I've undergone to get the
bad stuff out. This time they think they got it all, so the plan is to
wait a month, get a dose of radioctive iodine, then a slap on the ass
and back into the game.
While I'm imitating the idle rich here in Carmel. I'm looking for a
local-call Internet host I can use. I've checked the various lists
(NIXPUB, etc) and don't see anything in the Southern end of the 408 area
code; the local dialing area is just Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel,
Seaside, Fort Ord, and nearby communities on the Monterey Peninsula.
Sunnyvale and the real Silicon Valley towns are long distance. If
anyone has any ideas, please drop me a note.
Obs Brit-car: Around the corner from me is a Morris Minor Pickup
Truck. It's sitting on half-inflated tires, but looks complete (albeit
painted with a brush) and isn't too rusty. If anyone has any interest,
I'll be happy to leave a note on the thing during my evening walk. For
those of you who don't know, the MMPU has a Spridget-compatible
differential with some amazingly high ratio ... 5.87 or some such.
They used to be much-prized by auto-crossers.
And, of course, if anyone is coming down Carmel way, I'd be happy to
serve as a tour gide. I know some of the main streets, anyway ....
-Shel (remote from Carmel, California - 408-624-3152)
-Shel Hall