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B oil coolers and valences

To: @car.dis
Subject: B oil coolers and valences
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 12:56:44 EDT
> The later B lower valence does have holes cut in it; I've never looked
> to see why.  Perhaps someone with a post-75 car can enlighten us.

Let's see here, ah yes.  According to our trusty Moss parts manual, the
valences from '63 to '73 did not have vent holes, from '73 to '74.5 did,
and after that they all did, although something minor must have changed.
I have a '76 that even a trained eye might mistake for a '64, yes I really
have done all those little things including switching to an unvented valence.
When I took off the vented valence I saw that
it most defenitely served a purpose.  What Moss calls a "mud guard" is
actually an air scoop and directs air from the vents RIGHT to the radiator.
This makes good intuitive sense since the rubber bumpers didn't pass as
much air as the olde style grille.

> I don't know what year this was done 
> in exactly, but the later B's had their oil coolers *underneath* the 
> radiator, which necessitated the fitting of a front valence with vents cut 
> in them (at least I think they did... or was it the twin cam MGA?).

I can't comment on the A's but I've never seen an inverted cooler on a B.  

By the way, I have just cleaned up a beautiful '60's grille for the B.  All
the slats were straight and I just LOVE the look.  So I bought it thinking
of Scott and TerriAnn.  I headed straight for the patio armed with steel wool,
Semichrome and some virgin rags.  "LOOK! isn't this cleaning up wonderfully?"
I asked my wife.  
"Well, it's getting there...", she mildly replied.
"Here, will you have a try at the back?", I asked.
Dead silence, then, "Sure honey, but first you had better me
who Kim is."
Oops.  Did I say THAT?


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