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Re: T-Shirt order

To: RGS03@ALBNYDH2.bitnet
Subject: Re: T-Shirt order
From: Jody Levine <jody.p.levine@HYDRO.ON.CA>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 14:44:38 -0400
Rik wrote:
>To Jody Levine, et al

All right, I'll try to sort this out.

Last year (and I shall not take his name in vain lest he be deluged with
requests) an SOL deity made arrangements to have a graphics company print up 
various items with the SOL logo. Said company is set up such that mass 
orders are not necessary, and though the demi-god took the on the first 
order and remailings himself, you are now to deal with the company directly, 
because collecting money packing and remailing people's stuff is a royal PITA.

>So the question to the list is: Who is responsible for placing these
>orders, or at least, who did this in the past? And does that person
>want to place another order? Where do we send our $$$?

You place your own order. Team up to make the minimum $25 order, if necessary. 
If you're in the US you can make someone's day by sharing your order with 
a foreigner and mailing it to him as a gift so he doesn't have to pay duty. 
If you're an American hoping to find someone to make the order for you, 
make sure that he's in the US, or you'll pay duty when the stuff gets sent 
to the other person.

Here is one of the earlier posts from last year, severely chopped. I did 
not set this up. I am not making a mass order. I have not even ordered for 
myself yet. I have not seen the shirts (maybe someone else can comment on 
quality, sizing, etc.). I will report what happens with my order, if there's 
anything noteable.

Jody - Toronto, CANADA - '79 TR7 electric cooling fans only

(for product information and ordering) You can call or write Paul
Spears at:
                Image Graphics, Inc.
                201 South Three Notch Street,
                Andalusia, Alabama  36420
                1 205 222 4166
                1 205 222 1010
                1 205 222 6586 FAX/BBS

and ask him for a catalog.  Mention that it's for the SOL group.

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