In reply to Michel Pelletier query about Canadian orders. I have orderd
too many part from state side (guess that's why I'm broke all the time),
anyways be careful with the UPS, I strongly urge you to not use UPS but
have the parst sent by regular surface mail. The UPS boys will charge you
a brokerage fee for clearing your order through Canadian customs and they
may even hold up the parts while they are tryiong to figure out what the
duty and taxes are for you stuff. I personally find it is much more
economical and speedier to have the stuff sent by regular surface mail and
then deal with the local post office. Make sure that whomever is sending
the stuff sends it by mail and is willing to do so (some suppliers are not
willing to do so as it a hassle for them as the Post Office does not do
pick-ups and UPS does) AND make sure the sender gets the RIGHT information
marked on the outside of the parcel so that the Canadian customs will
classify it properly. There is the $5.00 Canadian Postal Handling Charge
per order plus your 7% GST (UG !!) and duty if aplicable. That's it.
Good luck.
* Frank Condelli * Carp, Ontario, Canada * *