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Pre-War Cars

Subject: Pre-War Cars
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 1994 16:03:23 +0000 ()
Understandably I only got two replies on the Pre-war Bentley posting and 
the gist of it is that my current salary might cover it if:

a) I had no mortgage
b) I had no kids
c) I gave up eating
d) I never bought any more clothes

With only these four things in my way I've decided to forge ahead (any of 
us would do the same.!) However, so that I won't have to add 

e) I have no wife

I'm thinking of maybe checking into some of the lessor marques too. I see 
that there are too old TRiumphs owners on the list (I have NEVER seen a 
real Super 7) and I'm sure that there must be others with similar cars.

What, in terms of parts and drivability  is the general pre-war car 
situation, or does it vary wildly from make to make ? 

Are there some old beast for whom the parts situation is really quite good?


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