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SC Parts Group

To: "Scions of Lucas" <>
Subject: SC Parts Group
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 17 May 1994 17:55:00 U
                      SC Parts Group
I just received an order of Big Healey parts from SC Parts Group 
in England.  They say they handle parts for Healeys, Jaguars and 
Rovers.  The stuff I got was moderately heavy (floors, sills plus 
some smaller items) so the shipping was relatively expensive.  
Even so, it was a pretty good deal!  Note the comparative prices 
for a few items (I've converted British Pounds to U.S. Dollars 
at an exchange rate of $1.50 per Pound - a fairly close 
Item                      Vic Brit     Moss         SC Parts 
----------                --------     --------     -------- 
Floor Panel               $60          $66          $16.50 
Inner Sill                $30          $44.50       $9
Speedo Right Angle Drive  $94.50       $100         $60 
Bump Stop Rebound         $13          $13          $4.50 
On smaller items the difference decreases, of course, and as I 
mentioned -- shipping is expensive!  My order totalled about 
$200, and shipping was another $100 !!  Even so, it was still 
cheaper and I got it only twelve days after I Fax'd my order in.  
My conclusion - When buying large or expensive items for which 
I am not desperate I'll use SC Parts Group again.  The floor 
panels did have a few bent corners after traveling halfway 
around the globe, nothing a few taps with a hammer won't fix 
easily.  Everything else looks good.  They take VISA, and it 
makes dealing with currency exchange pretty easy, since VISA 
just bills at whatever the rate is the day the charge hits.  
Their mailing address, for catalog requests, is: 
SC Parts Group
Unit 14, Oakwood Industrial Park,
Gatwick Road,
Crawley, Sussex RH10 2AZ

 The usual disclaimers apply, I've got no financial interest, 
YMMV, etc.  
P.S.  They've got a few nifty competition parts for Big Healeys!  
P.P.S.  I got a shipment in recently from V.B. and some of the 
items had stickers on them with part numbers from SC Parts.  

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