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Carlisle Report: Addendum

Subject: Carlisle Report: Addendum
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: 17 May 1994 16:01:31 -0500 (EST)

I was just reading Scott Fisher (#1) and his material about various cars. That
reminded me of some other neat Carlisle, PA stuff.

There was a chap selling a brand new NOS Devin car body. The price was pretty
good as he was asking $1600 or so. This was the first Devin body-only I had
ever seen. I'm not too knowlegeable about Devins, but I seem to remember that
they were kit bodies for pretty much any chassis in the late '50's time frame.
They have nice lines, and the body is roughly the same length as a Spitfire.

Speaking of Spitfires, there was a really nice almost complete Spitfire 2 for
sale, asking price was $700. It was sold before noon on Friday. It pays to
get to a big flea market like Carlisle _early_.

There were several basket-case TR3's and 4's and a TR250. I liked the sign
on the TR4... "body decent, frame solid" which of course means that the car
was a piece of s*%$ in really bad shape. I looked under it, there was a piece
about 1/4 the size of the cruciform plate hanging off the frame where the
cruciform plate _should_ have been. Sheeeeeez. Asking price was $1800 on friday
and was marked down to $1650 by noon Sat. The asking price should have been
$500, after all it was pretty clearly a parts car. In defense of the seller, the
car did seem to run quite nicely, but I think it was a parts car, personally.

Another note of interest to SOLers would be the not one, but two Mazda 13b
turbo powered AH Sprites. The fellow's name was mentioned on this list before,
let's see...can't remember. But I do remember that the cars were _quite_
expensive. In defense of the price, the cars were "beefed-up" quite a bit
with frame and suspension mods to handle the extra power. I overheard the
guy telling one of the gawkers about 0-60 times in the 3.5 to 4 sec. range.

And one last thing. Next year's give-away car (yes, each year they raffle off a
nice car each year on the last day, and you must be present to win), is a really
nice bright red MGB. That, in and of itself is reason to attend on Sunday. So,
mark your calendars now for May 12-14, 1995! Carlisle, PA.

Bye for now,

Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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