On Fri, 13 May 1994, Joe Flake wrote:
> >
> Nick wrote...
> >
> > "original" seat belts in Tilley-my 72 TR6 ...
> > whether these 22 year old belts would hold
> > Any comments on need for replacing seat belts?
> I've not heard any comments that replacing belts because of age
> is a general need. Perhaps constant wetting if the car had
> be exposed to unkind weather could cause rotting, but in general
> I'd suspect the belt to be in good shape unless obviously frayed.
> I'd spend more time checking the end pieces, both the "buckle" and
> the mounting bolts and the floor they mount to. If rusty, that
> could be a real problem.
I have heard (can't remember where) that ultraviolet exposure weakens seat
belt material over time. In a convertible that is a potential problem. I
would replace them, just in case. The cost is trivial compared to the
consequences of having one break.
Ray Gibbons Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu (802) 656-8910