> Date: Tue, 3 May 1994 10:24:46
> From: "Roger Garnett" <rwg1@postoffice3.mail.cornell.edu>
> Subject: Re: MGB running on - HELP
> While common, it does not *have* to happen. If it didn't do it before the
> tune up, I'd suspect a leaner mix, or more advanced timing than before.
Have tried a richer mixture and retarding the timing .. to no avail.. I've
also used your excellent SU tuning guide ..
> Marrietta's '65 18GB 8.8:1 engine, (now in Elmo), used to do this before I
> did a rebuild and de-coked the head. Built-up carbon deposits get hot spots,
> which make your engine more prone to run-on. De-coking may help at some
> point. In the meantime, make sure your mis isn't lean, timing is not too
> advanced, and, most of all, learn to shut it off so as to kill the run-on.
> -Disengage the clutch, and put it in 1st gear
> -Apply the brakes.
> -Slowly engage the clutch while you shut of the key.
This is my only salvation at the moment
> And, Hiran's car is a MKI (65?). It now has, as far as I know, the first
> trans-Pacific SOL parts transplant. Marietta's old heater system made it's
> way down under a few months ago to keep Hiran a tad warmer during his winter
> driving. My first MG lives on, through out the world!
Definitely, AND warmer ... now that winter is fast approaching in this part of
the world. But, its still definitely top down weather over here... Nothing a
jacket and cap cannot solve !!