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Re: Sunbeam brakes

Subject: Re: Sunbeam brakes
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 08:39:39 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to J. Hess and R. Dudley for responding to my previous post
regarding non-visible sources for leaking brakes.  Both suggested the
the fluid was disappearing into the booster.  In fact, this was the
case two years ago.  I had the entire booster unit rebuilt at a local
shop and all was fine until the end of last summer.  Could the unit
have gone bad again this quick?

I can pump the pedal 3-4 times and get pressure that will hold solid
for at least 30 seconds.  If I let off slightly (1/2" on the pedal),
and reappply pressure, the pedal will slowly descend towards the floor
(taking almost 60 seconds to go halfway).  This occurs with the engine
off, and then again with the engine on to power the booster.

A friend here suggested that the cup in the master cylinder may be
allowing a slight bit of fluid to leak past.  Are there any tests I
can try to determine whether the master is leaking vs the booster
unit?  I am off to the barn this weekend to swork on it.

Thanks again for any advice,


Louis Collins                e-mail:          
NeuroImaging Laboratory, Montreal Neurological Institute        
3801 University St., Montreal, Quebec.  H3A 2B4   
Sunbeam Alpine V, 1967

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