In message <> "Robb Pryor" writes:
> On Apr 28, 11:22am, Jim Rumpf wrote:
Stuff deleted
> I would suggest that for each submission, as part of
> the
> subject, the make of the car be included to help people filter incoming mail.
> For car makes, abreviations such as; AC, AH, MG, TR would be appropriate.
> Some makes like Lotus might have to be spelled out rather than shortened to
> something like LO. In some cases certain models might have their own
> abreviation; Spit and Spridget come to mind. The list of generally accepted
> abreviations would be placed in the list FAQ for newcomers. Topics such as
> Lucas electricals would have "Lucas" in the subject line. Topics which cut
> across all lbc's would not change.
When I read the original posting, I was thinking that ID headers would help a
great deal. I would have voted for more spin off mail groups since the group is
very large these days and some groups take up a lot of disc space, like the
spridget and GT6 topics. But in lew of that better headings sound good.
> I would propose the following abbreviations as a start. It is not complete,
> feel free to make additional suggestions. Most are self-explanatory
I think you are on the right track but you might want to aggange it more by
volume of traffic. And by the way Datson is Japanese. If you put a topic in for
the roadster you would need to add one for Scott#1's Z car as well.
TR2-8 For the people interested in the big TRs
TR Spit& GT
MGT-C For people interested in the big MGs
Big Healey
A-Z For people interested in the less common in the US British cars. I think the
traffic on these cars doesn't amount to a whole lot and shouldn't be separated.
For Sale
Events - inquires & announcements aboutupcoming LBC related events
restoration - General restoration related questions & comments
PUB - For general purpose stories, chatting, bragging, news, and those things
you just gotta say that really have little or null brit car content such as
which movies have British cars, etc.
TeriAnn Wakeman Large format photographers look at the world upside down and backwards
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