~ Anyone out there in net.land know for sure which
~ Sunday in September this year's All British Day at
~ Stanford is going to be held on ? I need to know just
~ how long I have to procrastinate getting the Riley
~ ready ....
Sunday, September 11th (always the Sunday *after* Labor Day).
This of course means that Saturday, September 10 is the Third
Annual Day Before The Britcars Day (DBTBD) Tour through the
Santa Cruz Mountains. I'll see if we can top last year's
tour, though the picnic at Bonny Doon was pretty memorable.
Maybe we won't lose half the cars when we turn on to Stage
Road this year!
BTW, anyone who wants to pre-run the May 15 event with me
should give me a call (408) 441-3141 between now and this
weekend. I'm planning to do a final check of a couple of
locations this weekend, and will post details next week.