I got one reply to my question from Joe Flake (thanks Joe!). His suggestion
involved hammers and possible swearing ;-).
Undaunted, and with the assistance of my TR6 friend, Jeff Creel who also
suggestions of hammers etc., we headed out to the Garage to tame the beast.
The solution was laughably simple, although it bears mentioning that the Robert
Bentley Manual is slightly out of order in the sequence for this task.
1. There are three steel plates that all lock together to hold the wheel
cylinder in. The one closest to the backing plate installs from the direction
that faces the front of the car, and you merely push it back towards the rear
the car.
2. This is where the sequence in the manual appears to be wrong (unless my
understanding of the nomenclature is wrong). The next plate to go in is the
locking plate the has the two ears on it. This plate also installs from the
front direction towards the rear direction.
3. Now, the ears on the plate installed in step "2" provide a convenient method
of sliding the middle plate under the plate installed in "2", so you line it
all up, and then push in the middle plate from the rear direction towards the
fromnt of the car. Keep pushing it home until it clicks as it engages the plate
installed in step 1.
No hammer necessary. I did use a screwdriver to separate the middle plate from
the plate in step one before I started, but the pieces can almost be installed
without tools. I did use the blunt end of a pair of pliers to push the middle
plate fully home.
That was it. Almost too simple. I didn't even get any dirt under my fingernails.
Well, I only have to install the brake pipe to the wheel cylinder and install
the brake shoes, bleed the hydraulics and I can test drive.
This weekend, FOR SURE!
I can't wait!!!
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