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78 Spitfire timing belt and piston damper question

Subject: 78 Spitfire timing belt and piston damper question
From: Dave Chu <davec@ECE.concordia.CA>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 1994 14:52:48 -0500
The temperature in Montreal has finally gone up passed 0C(during the day),
and I'm starting to think about my Spitfire more and more.  However, I 
would like to do some work on it before taking it out.  The odometer
indicates 35K miles but it has not worked for the last 3 or 4 years 
according to the previous owner.  How long should the timing belt last 
before it needs to be changed?  If I do not change it and it breaks while
I'm driving, could it damage the engine?

I'm also having a problem with the Zenith Stromberg carb.  The dash pot
looses oil and I have to top it up once a week.  I think the seal in the
dash pot for the damper is bad.  I've rebuiled the carb last year but 
did not change the seal for the damper.   Has anyone changed the seal for
the damper before, if yes, any advise would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Dave                                      |\ |     | |                       
___________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |_____    ___  ___  ___
  Dave Kai-Chui Chu          \/  \/       | /|     | |        |    |    |
  Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.             |/ |     | |        |--  |    |--
  Concordia University               Voice:(514)848-3115      |___ |___ |___
  1455 de Maisonneuve W. H915        Fax:  (514)848-2802
  Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8

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