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The big 40....

Subject: The big 40....
From: "j.d. cooke" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 20:21:30 -0500 (EST)
Being new to this newsgroup, it seemed appropriate that my first message 
should be to let other SOLs know that my MG TF is celebrating its 40th 
birthday this year.  I have owned it (or it has owned me) since 1960 when 
I bought it second hand in Toronto.  After a memorable trip from Ontario 
to New Brunswick (about 1000 mi) in February (without a driver's side 
curtain) I drove it for some years until it snapped a rear half shaft.  
We then ran a Spitfire for a couple of years with the MG languishing in a 
garage.  Some years of travel intervened and I finally had it shipped (in 
its own boxcar) here to London in about 1973.  About seven years ago we 
finally decided that we had to have it restored before it slowly rusted 
away.  While I had dreams of doing it myself, in the end I was glad I did 
not:  it was clear that it would have taken me several years and I would 
probably would have ruined the car in the process.  The actual 
restoration was done by two 70+ year old brothers living in a small town 
near London who did this as a retirement hobby ($10 / hour labour at that 
time so this certainly was not a money-making enterprise for them!)  
While it is not show quality (they did the painting in their driveway!) 
it is what I would call "quite good".

Anyway, Hector has been back on the road at every opportunity for the 
past several years.  It was redone in the original factory black with red 
interior: very snappy.  I must say, however, that driving it 
here in Southern Ontario with its dead straight roads is nowhere near the 
pleasure of the winding cow paths by the ocean in Nova Scotia!

Perhaps someone can give me advice.  In honour of the birthday I want to 
redye the rag top:  it is black and has faded considerably over the past 
few years.  Does anyone know of a good, colour-fast, water-fast dye which 
is easily applicable?  Thanks in advance for advice.  I would also be 
happy to hear from any other TF owners, particularly in the Southern 
Ontario / Michigan region.

J. David Cooke                   /-----------\
London,                        /               \
Ontario,                     /                   \
Canada                      |              ___    |     
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I hope you appreciate how hard it is to make the sacred Octagon with this 
lousy editor!

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