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Re: Disappearing Fluids

To: Roland Dudley <>
Subject: Re: Disappearing Fluids
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 12:18:51 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 25 Mar 1994, Roland Dudley wrote:
C.B. Said:
> > I then placed the new seal in the freezer with a thermoter and waited. 
> > When I hit mius 10C I checked. No change. At minus 40c I checked again. I 
> > small change! After three hours the seal was three thou smaller!! THis 
> > would be enough under pressure to loss the lot I think.

R.D. replied:

> About how much metal can be honed from the bore of a master or wheel
> cylinder during the rebuilding process?  I would think it would be hard 
> to take off less than 2-3 thousandth.
To which I'll add:

I have never been able to understand how a hydraulic cylinder CAN be 
rebored at all. Perhaps polished, but if there's serious pitting I think 
the cylinder is scrap. You could, I guess, really enlarge it and SLEEVE 
or reline the thing and thus achieve standard sizes again. Otherwise 
you'd have to go to non-standard seals.

It would have to be a rather rare or expensive part (say off a cobra ;-)
or somthing) to merit that.

I wonder if the seals are supposed to be subjecting the tapered edge to a 
great enough compression to allow for the shrinkage. If this is the case 
then my slave has perhaps been machined lightly and thus can no longer 
tolerate any of the temperature change shrinkage. It is the original 
master  and slave for the clutch and for the brakes, I only replaced the 
rear wheel brake cylinders in total.

Anyone else out there with some enlighting words?


NOTE: Unlike the last three hurried postings which I made this one has 
been looked over and spell checked lightly!

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