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AZ MGB wanted

Subject: AZ MGB wanted
From: (James Howard)
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 94 11:11:44 EST
The Navy has decided that I should spend lots of time in Flagstaff, AZ
for the next year or so, which is fine by me since I have met the
most wonderful girl out here and she seems to enjoy cars as much as I

So, I was wondering, since I am sick of rental cars, if anyone knew of
an MGB for sale within a reasonable distance of Flagstaff.  I am
looking for a rust free pre '68 model, although I will consider any
chrome bumper B.  The Flagstaff paper never has any, and I do read the
Phoenix paper as often as I can.  Any other help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much.

James Howard
(H) 602-774-1715
(W) 602-773-4846

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