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Peerless & Warwick News

To: (British Cars)
Subject: Peerless & Warwick News
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 10:56:20 -0500
Some of you have been seeing my name here and there. I sent some stuff out 
to various places, and some printed things, but everyone is an editor. Some 
cut most, some embellish nicely... But, all have brought responses!

From:           Christopher Ball <>
Subject:        Moss Newsletter

> ahem, I did write the little piece on heel and toe shifting

I finally got my newsletter. A good bit- similar to some stuff we've hashed 
back and forth on the net a while back. And, all I got was about 1 sq. inch 
for the Peerless register notice, but in that short space, they managed to 
incorrectly add TR2 to the cars the Peerless is based on... (It's TR3, plus 
a bunch of other little bits)

I'm waiting to see what the Roadster Factory puts in their 
next newsletter...

From:           Garry Archer <>
Subject:        Roger Garnett & 'British Cars'

> April 1994 issue of "British Cars" magazine
> Then one headline caught my eye:

>    "New Peerless and Warwick Club"  (bottom of page 8).

> And there it is, the details of our Roger's very own Peerless & Warwick
> Register of North America.  Not just a letter to the editor, but a real
> article, complete with photograph!  Roger, that's not _your_ Peerless,
> is it?  I thought yours was still being restored.

Right- B-C put in a photo they took at a meet in Cal, and wrote it up quite 
nicely as a news blurb. The owner of that car sent me a letter a couple 
days ago... It's car #220

> There used to be a GIF of a Peerless GT on the old hoosier machine that
> I had put there ages ago.  

Yup- turns out that Phase 1 car is now owned by the UK Peerless registrar, 
waiting for restoration after he finishes his current Phase 2 project.

Response from recent mailings has been tremendous. This summer, I started 
with about 30+ car #'s, with only about 10 current addresses, I'm now 
approaching 70 Peerless and Warwicks that were imported to the US, with 
current owners and locations on about 2/3 to 3/4 of them. I've been adding 
a car or 2 a week, with 4 this week alone. 

Still a lot of organizing to go, of owners, parts, literature, etc, but I'm
amazed at what's crawling out of the sheds and garages of North America.
Some are running, some are racing, and many need restoration. One car has
never been outside overnight, and has about 5K miles, but has been sitting
since 1961 so needs quite a bit of work.

More, as I know it...

Roger -Without Peer- Garnett

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