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vinyl paint

Subject: vinyl paint
From: James TenCate <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 23:44:15 -0600
It works just fine thank you.  However, I painted blue on top of grey
that used to be blue vinyl.  I used SEM Vinyl and Plastic color spray
along with the SEM Vinyl prep (both available at any good paint shop
and they come in LOTS of different stock colours AND can be mixed to
match any colour).  Write me back if you want more details on technique
(I wrote an article in our club's newsletter about it a while back).

Avoid the Mar-Hyde stuff available at Western Auto, Pep Boys, etc.

I *may* try and change the color of my TR6 interior from black to "new tan"
and I wonder how much paint THAT will take :-)


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