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Re: TR6 dashboard restoration

Subject: Re: TR6 dashboard restoration
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 94 15:05:08 -0800
In message <> "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6,
5-9521" writes:
>      Joe Flake writes:
> Anyway I'm off to the "left coast" for a week -- let's see, EVERYBODY
> in Calif drives either a "restored classic" or a "new yuppiemobile",
> right?
>      >>Nahhh, only the posers .... 
>      >>Say, where and when are you going to be in Ca. ?
>           cheers-
>                  daren

Joe is currently staying in the Santa Clara Marriott.  The Hotel number is 
988-1500.  He is taking a class  (HP Cupertino I think) through Fri & leaving 
for home afterwards.  The group in the class evidently has plans for Thursday 
evening.  He is open Mon -> Wed evenings as of the last time I talked to him.

I think he would like to see others & their cars.  Give him a call.

For those of you who remember, he showed up briefly during the Duke of 
Edinbrough lunch gathering.

He dropped by my place Sunday afternoon to look at the Tr3A project & chat.  I 
took him for a ride in the BGT up the coast, over Bonny Doone into Big Basin and
back through the San Lorenzo valley.

You know, he is the only person to ever drop by to see how my TR3 restoration 
project is coming (Others have droped by for other reasons and been shown the 

Take care,


TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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