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Those were some pretty spooky happenings in Colorado!

Subject: Those were some pretty spooky happenings in Colorado!
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 09:55:38 -0500
>Those were some pretty spooky happenings in Colorado!

The law in Colorado sets all cars aside for 90 days
to be purchased for parts by concerned collectors.
I think this is more than reasonable.  

Colarado happens to have some of the best
regulations in the whole country thanks to
a "few interested, concerned people"

Margaret Mead would have said something
about this I'm sure.

If you're really worried about this stuff contact COVA
and get the facts straight.  Its both better and worse
than most of the gloom and doom scenarios, or 
very sunny ones, recently painted on this list.

"If I hear of one crushed AH 100-4 I'll go ballastic"
Banaszak Holl

P.S. I'll offer $1000 for your pristine 100-4, thats $500
        more than most crushers!  Hell, I'll go to $1500, 2000,.....

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  • Those were some pretty spooky happenings in Colorado!, Mark_Banaszak-Holl <=