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Re: .... Propane Heaters

Subject: Re: .... Propane Heaters
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: 01 Mar 1994 15:19:00 -0500 (EST)

I've been watching this thread with some garage is rather
cold this winter with the extended bad weather and all (more snow forcast
for the Boston area later this week!). I would really like to insulate and
heat my garage, as I could really get a lot of work done over the winter.
For those of you form warmer climates, just imagine 4 months of uninterrupted
car maintenance...

Paul Osborne touched on my latest winner in the category for heater, an
old warm air furnace. However my suggestion is that you convert the furnace to
kerosene (you need a different oil nozzle) and then you can put the tank
outdoors and not worry about it. When the weather is not too cold (e.g. above
the mid 30's for lows), you can switch the nozzle back to the bigger one and use
regular home heating oil. This would be a very cheap way to heat. Well, not as
cheap as real solar heat...but cheaper none-the-less. You use the kerosene
when it is very cold to keed the line from plugging due to high parafin (wax)
content in home heating oil.

I used to heat my mobile home this way, and it works fine as long as you keep
water out of the system. The kerosene is a bit pricey, but I'm not talking
about heating the space all of the time...

Now back to LBC's

OB British Cars, I pick up the TR6 from the FRAME REPAIR GUY in the next couple
of days...I can't wait!


Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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